Induced Seismicity


Although induced seismicity related to underground injection activities was first observed in the 1960s at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver, a dramatic increase in earthquake activity in the midcontinent beginning in 2009 focused attention on the potential hazard posed by earthquakes induced by injection. The science required to understand the process and predict its impacts is still undergoing significant change.

In 2020, the Ground Water Protection Council, in partnership with the Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission and oil and gas producing states, developed a report update to the 2017 Potential Injection-Induced Seismicity Associated with Oil & Gas Development: A Primer on Technical and Regulatory Considerations Informing Risk Management and Mitigation. The updated report included Carbon Capture and Storage along with updates to case studies and state regulation summaries. The report update can be found under the Induced Seismicity Resources on our website.

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