Data Management


Timely and reliable data are key to effective natural resource, environmental, and groundwater protection. It is imperative that agencies at the state and federal levels collect, store, and analyze the necessary baseline and operating data to support making informed regulatory decisions.  This data is also imperative to public outreach in providing understanding on actions the regulating community performs for the protection of the environment and beneficial use of natural resources.

The GWPC, with support from the U.S. Department of Energy, has been a leader in the development of tools and data management systems for their member states. This has fostered a collaborative effort and relationship between GWPC and their members in the development of multiple nationally recognized data management systems.  These include but are not limited to:

  • RBDMS (Risk Based Data Management System)
    A suite of integrated software products that assists state agencies in the regulating, oversight and management of oil, gas and Underground Injection Control (UIC) facilities and activities.  Over 30 years in the making RBDMS has been adopted as the data management system by most of the regulating state oil and gas agencies.

  • WaterSTAR:
    Water quality and quantity tracking system in use by Water, Environmental, and Oil & Gas member state agencies to help manage the collection and review of water within their state.  Tools are being developed to assist in public outreach on water management and water use needs.

  • FracFocus
    FracFocus is the national hydraulic fracturing chemical registry. This site was created to provide the general public with access to information about chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing. It has been adopted by 25 Oil & Gas Agencies as their repository for this information.  The primary purpose of this site is to provide factual information about hydraulic fracturing chemical use. 

Visit the websites for RBDMS and FracFocus for additional information.